High Orbit


‘High Orbit’ is my current and ongoing personal project, designed around the theme of a science fiction Real Time Strategy Game inspired by Command and Conquer and StarCraft II.

The game is currently under production with two playable factions. The ‘Elysian Race’ and the Caldyrian Empire’The primary purpose of this project is to showcase every area of design, from 3D Modelling to Technical Design. As well as to create a fully playable game that fits into a wider narrative.

Players will be able to construct buildings and build and command units with which to destroy the AI opponent’s buildings.

Design Challenges

By far the largest challenge with this project was working to a limiting time constraint. Given the scope of the initial project the originally planned player vs player element of the game had to be removed. With the remainder of the game mechanics and features being methodically added throughout a five-month period. Despite this, the final project features several well know RTS mechanics including a mining and economy system, full unit AI and fog of war mechanics as well as individual unit abilities. The latest version of the project can be downloaded on the “Work” page.

Contact Sam for more details