

‘UnderPass’ is a 3D side scroller. The player must find their way through the level, themed around an underground city. To help a trapped habitant of “the underpass” escape. This level features a number of new mechanics. With two of the most prevalent being elevator pads and acid bombs which fall onto the player from above. The inclusion of different enemy classes and formations also challenges the player to use the full range of abilities as well as to explore the three possible routes through the level.

Design Challenges

The biggest challenge regarding the design of the level from more of a design point of view was the balancing of the enemy pawns to provide a challenging but not irritating experience. Rather than increasing the damage output and health of the originally weaker pawns; they were instead grouped into formations of two melee ranged pawns and a single ranged pawn. This played against the player’s weapon range and made combat slightly more difficult without directly changing damage values.

In terms of level design, the verticality of the level provided three paths whereby the player can reach the end goal, all three paths lead through a quest start location and then to the end of the level with enemies increasing in difficultly, with the upper area being the most difficult but fastest way to complete the level and the lower area being the easiest but longest route.

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